Saturday, September 25, 2010

Giving my 2 cents after the first 20 months

Are the soldiers returning home? Why not?

All this blaming of Bush has GOT to stop. Each new President will always have to deal with some amount of trash the previous left behind. How 'bout grabbing the bull by the horns and not the piggy by the toe!

Clean coal energy - This was a clear promise to coal miners that thier efforts would be more profitable to them and the country. When is this process going to happen?

Hydrogen fuel for cars? Don't hold your breath. Sad part is it would probably be the best fuel source for us as a nation, but we all know there are too many hands in the oil cooky jar gettin' paid.

Do me a favor 'Merica ( I miss Mr.Mac...), can we all focus our vote in one sensible direction. The Tea Party movement may or may not  the answer, but I applaud people taking initiative to get this massive ship back on course.

I wonder how effective our vote is though when billionaires control the government. Prayer may be our ONLY hope!

Finally, stand by to see alot of campaign promises miraculasly come to fruition as we get closer to the next Presdential election. The psycology is this - people remember the first and the last of events. This is a sientific fact. Therefore, if Obama wishes to see re-election, he MUST do what the voters wish to see just before Election Day so he can summarize the the of accomplishments while they are fresh in your mind. Then he'll be re-elected, continue with his jacked up agenda, then chill out right before he leaves office. he'll do what both parties want in the end  so people will remember the last thing he did! 

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